1.1 NAME

A. The Association shall be known as: “Drama New Zealand, The New Zealand Association of Drama in Education Incorporated.”
B. Drama New Zealand is an association for teachers, youth theatre, and theatre in education practitioners interested in promoting the recognition, study, and development of drama in education both nationally and internationally.


In this Constitution, unless the context requires otherwise, the following words and phrases have the following meanings:

A. ‘Act’ means the Incorporated Societies Act 1908 or any Act which replaces it (including amendments to it from time to time), and any regulations made under the Act or under any Act which replaces it.

B. ‘Annual General Meeting’ means a meeting of the Members of the Association held once per year which, among other things, will receive and consider reports on the Association’s activities and finances. May be abbreviated to AGM.

C. ‘Associated Person’ means a person who:

i. may obtain a financial benefit from any matter being dealt with by any member for, or on, behalf of the Association where that person is the spouse, civil union partner, de facto partner, child, parent, grandparent, grandchild, or first cousin of that member;

ii. may have a financial interest in any person where that person may derive a financial benefit from any matter that is being dealt with for or on behalf of the Association;

iii. is a partner, director, officer, board member, or trustee of a person who may have a financial interest in a person to whom any matter being dealt with by any member (as a National Executive member, or in any General Meeting, or otherwise for the Association) relates;

iv. may be interested in the matter because the Association’s constitution so provides; but no such member shall be deemed to have any such interest:

i. merely because that member receives an indemnity, insurance cover, remuneration, or other benefits authorised under the Act; or

ii. if that member's interest is the same or substantially the same as the benefit or interest of all or most other members of the Association due to the membership of those members; or

iii. if that member's interest is so remote or insignificant that it cannot reasonably be regarded as likely to influence that member in carrying out that member's responsibilities under the Act or the Association’s constitution; or

iv. if that member is an officer of a union and that member's interest is merely as an employee that will benefit from the union acting in the ordinary course of promoting its members’ collective employment interests.

D. ‘Association’ means Drama New Zealand as the Incorporated Association.

E. ‘Executive Member’ means a member of the National Executive, including the President, Vice President, and Treasurer.

F. ‘General Meeting’ means either an Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting of the Association.

G. ‘Matter’ means (a) the Association’s performance of its activities or exercise of its powers; or (b) an arrangement, agreement, or contract (a transaction) made or entered into, or proposed to be entered into, by the Association.

H. ‘Member’ means a person properly admitted to the Association who has not ceased to be a member of the Association.

I. ‘National Administrator’ means the person whose duties shall include, among other things, maintaining the Database of Members, the Register of Interests, and recording the minutes of General Meetings and Executive meetings.

J. ‘National Executive’ means the Association’s governing body.

K. ‘Notice’ to members includes any notice given by post, courier or email; and the failure for any reason of any member to receive such notice or information shall not invalidate any meeting or its proceedings or any election.

L. ‘President’ means the National Executive member responsible for, among other things, overseeing the governance and operations of the Association and chairing General Meetings.

M. ‘Register of Interests’ means the Register of Interests of National Executive members kept under these rules.

N. ‘Register of Members’ means the Database of Members kept under these rules.

O. ‘Rules’ means the rules in this document.

P. ‘Special General Meeting’ means a meeting of the members, other than an Annual General Meeting, called for a specific purpose or purposes.

Q. ‘Treasurer’ means the National Executive Member whose duties shall include, among other things, overseeing the finances of the Association.

R. ‘Vice President’ means the National Executive Member elected or appointed to deputise in the absence of the President.


The tikanga or culture of Drama New Zealand includes a commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the rules shall be interpreted having regard to that tikanga or culture.


3.1 To provide a supportive professional environment for all teachers to share views and concerns about drama in education.

3.2 To encourage the growth of the student through all forms of drama in education.

3.3 To publish a regular email newsletter (at least once per term) to keep members informed of news and developments.

3.4 To endeavour to create an educational journal and support the publication of drama education research.

3.5 To provide workshops that will help with educational practice.

3.6 To advocate and represent the views of our members at a national and international level.

3.7 To inform members of national and international conferences.

3.8 To affiliate with Drama Australia, The National Association for Drama in Education of Australia and uphold the requirements of the Memorandum of Understanding between the two National Associations (appended to this constitution see Appendix A).

3.9 To be a member of the International Drama and Theatre in Education Association (IDEA).

3.10 To build relationships between education and industry practitioners for the benefit of all members.



The Association shall maintain the minimum number of members required by the Act.


Every applicant for membership must consent in writing to becoming a member.


A. Every member shall provide the Association with that member's name and contact details (including telephone number(s), and any email address) and promptly advise the Association of any changes to those details.

B. Membership does not confer on any member any right, title, or interest (legal or equitable) in the property of the Association.

C. All members shall promote the interests and purposes of the Association and shall do nothing to bring the Association into disrepute.

D. A member is only entitled to exercise the rights of membership if all subscriptions and any other fees have been paid to the Association by the due date. In order to vote at General Meetings, a member must have paid all annual subscriptions and any other fees payable by that member.

E. No member is liable for any obligation of the Association by reason only of being a member.

F. With reasonable notice and at reasonable times, The National Administrator shall make the Register of Members available for inspection by members and Committee Members. However, no access will be given to information on the Register of Members to members or any other person, other than as required by law.


A. The Association shall operate at a national and regional level. The country is divided into the following regions, and represented by the portfolio of the Regional Coordinator on the National Executive.

B. The following regions will be represented:

I. AUCKLAND (including Northland)

II. WAIKATO (including Bay of Plenty, Gisborne, Taupo and surrounding areas)

III. MASSEY (including Taranaki, Manawatu, Ruapehu, and Hawkes Bay and surrounding areas)

IV. WELLINGTON (including Wairarapa and Horowhenua)

V. CANTERBURY (including Marlborough, Nelson, the West Coast, Canterbury down to Timaru)

VI. OTAGO / SOUTHLAND (including Southland, Timaru and Fiordland)


There are seven types of membership of the Association.

A. Individual – Individual members of the Association have the right to vote at General Meetings, are entitled to stand for office at regional or national level, have access to online resources, and may receive newsletters of the association.

B. Primary School; for Primary, Intermediate, and ECE Centres – Primary School Membership of the Association entitles up to four current teachers from the school with the full rights of an Individual Member as described above.

C. Tertiary Students – Tertiary Student members of the Association have the right to vote at general meetings and are entitled to stand for office at regional or national level, have access to online resources, and receive any newsletters of the Association.

D. Provisionally Certified Teachers; for up to two years – Provisionally Certified Teacher members of the Association have the right to vote at general meetings and are entitled to stand for office at regional or national level, have access to online resources, and receive any newsletters of the Association.

E. Institutional; for libraries, tertiary providers – Institutional membership allows the staff of that institution to be listed as individual members, allowing them the full rights of an individual member, as defined above.

F. Associate; for theatre companies and industry partners – Associate members are entitled to attend workshops, stand for office at regional and national level, have one vote at any general meetings, have access to online resources, and receive any newsletters of the Association.

G. Life; Life members of the Association are entitled to stand for office at regional and national level, vote at any general meeting, have access to online resources, and receive any newsletters of the Association.


Upon payment of annual membership, the individual, associate or institution will be added to the membership database, added to the database for their regional membership, and be given access to the members’ section of the Drama NZ website.


A. The National Executive shall determine the annual membership fee for all membership classes, other than ‘Life’ membership, which will not attract any membership fee. The fees are to be ratified at a general meeting of the Association. The National Executive shall publish the appropriate fees payable for the relevant classes on the membership application form and in any such other place deemed appropriate by the National Executive.

B. Membership fees will be due on an annual basis. Renewals will be annual from the initial date of membership.

C. A proportion of the annual membership fee (the Capitation Grant) to be determined by the members at the AGM or other special meeting, shall be transferred to the Regional Committee of the region nominated by the member and no further regional membership fee may be imposed without leave of the National Executive Committee.


A. Nothing in the terms and conditions of the Rules shall be construed to permit pecuniary profits to be derived by any member from any activity, business or investment undertaken by the Association.

B. Any member of the Association may derive pecuniary gain from the Association:

i. by way of salary as servant or officer of the Association; or

ii. by deriving such gain to which they would be equally entitled if they were not a member of the Association; or

iii. by way of competition for trophies or prizes other than money prizes.


A. A member ceases to be a member:

I. on death, or

II. by written resignation from that member's class of membership by notice to the National Executive, or

III. on termination of a member's membership following the dispute resolution process under these rules; with effect from the death of the member or the date of receipt by the National Executive, or any subsequent date stated in the notice of resignation, or termination of membership following a dispute resolution process under these rules.

B. A member who resigns or whose membership is terminated under these rules:

I. remains liable to pay all fees or payments due to the Association.

II. shall cease to hold themselves out as a member of the Association.

III. shall cease to be entitled to any of the rights of an Association member.

C. If a former member's membership was terminated following a dispute resolution process, the applicant may be re-admitted only by approval by the National Executive. Persons or institutes cease to be members of the association if they have not paid their subscription fees by 31st March.


5.1 The rules of the Association may be altered, added to, or rescinded by a written Notion of Motion being circulated to all members 21 days prior to the Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting provided that no addition to or alteration of rule 10.3A shall be approved of the Inland Revenue Department. No rule or amendment shall be valid until accepted by the registrar or an assistant registrar.

5.2 All notices required to be given under the provisions of the Rules shall be sufficient if sent or posted to the member’s usual or last known place of abode in New Zealand. Any such notice shall be deemed to be delivered in the ordinary course of post or electronic mail and no proceedings of the Association shall be declared invalid by reason only of the non-receipt of such notice by a member.

6. MANAGEMENT OF Association

The general control and management of the affairs of the Association (including the control and investment of funds) shall be in the hands of an Executive (‘the National Executive’) which shall meet periodically as required for the control of business and the day to day running of the Association.

7. Appointment of Officers


A. The Executive of the Association shall consist of a:


II. VICE PRESIDENT (who shall preside in the absence of the President)



V. A minimum of 5 and a maximum of 7 EXECUTIVE MEMBERS with tasks allocated by agreement, with a maximum membership of 11 as needed, all of whom shall be elected (by way of receiving more votes than for any of the other candidates) in the first instance at an inaugural meeting and thereafter at the AGM or at a Special General Meeting. That the Executive Officers be able to co-opt up to three members if needed.

B. All minutes of National Executive meetings will be made available to any member upon request.

C. The Association will endeavour for the main office bearers to be equitably spread among regions, representing the entire country.

D. The Executive may appoint any number of individuals or committees to undertake any special work on behalf of the Association.


A. All nominations for the Executive must be in writing and in the hands of the National Administrator no less than four hours before the time of the AGM or Special General Meeting, provided that not less than three quarters of the members constituting a quorum present at the AGM or Special General Meeting may vote to waive the notice requirement and accept nominations from the floor. Each nomination must be signed by a proposer and seconder who must be financial members of the Association and must be signed by the person nominated with the exception of nominations received from the floor in the manner prescribed by this clause which may be proposed and seconded by members present and entitled to vote at the AGM or Special General Meeting.


A. The National Executive will consist of persons who are:

I. members; and

II. natural persons; and

III. not disqualified by these rules or the Act.

B. The following persons are disqualified from being appointed or holding office as a National Executive Member:

I. a person who is under 21 years of age,

II. a person who is an undischarged bankrupt,

III. a person who is prohibited from being a director or promoter of, or being concerned or taking part in the management of, an incorporated or unincorporated body under the Companies Act 1993, the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013, or the Takeovers Act 1993,

IV. a person who is disqualified from being a Member of the National Executive of a charitable entity under section 31(4)(b) of the Charities Act 2005,

V. a person who has been convicted of any of the following, and has been sentenced for the offence, within the last 7 years:

a) an offence under subpart 6 of Part 4,

b) a crime involving dishonesty (within the meaning of section 2(1) of the Crimes Act 1961),

c) an offence under section 143B of the Tax Administration Act 1994,

d) an offence, in a country other than New Zealand, that is substantially similar to an offence specified in subparagraphs A to C,

e) a money laundering offence or an offence relating to the financing of terrorism, whether in New Zealand or elsewhere.

VI. a person subject to:

a) an order under section 108 of the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act 2003; or

b) a forfeiture order under the Criminal Proceeds (Recovery) Act 2009; or

c) a property order made under the Protection of Personal and Property Rights Act 1988, or whose property is managed by a trustee corporation under section 32 of that Act.

d) a person who is disqualified from being a Member of the Committee of a charitable entity under section 16 of the Charities Act 2005.


A. To act in good faith and in the best interests of the Association, and use powers for a proper purpose;

B. To comply with the statute and with the Association’s Constitution;

C. To exercise the degree of care and diligence of a reasonable person with such responsibilities;

D. Not to allow Association activities to be carried on recklessly or in a way likely to create a substantial risk of serious loss to the Association’s creditors;

E. Not to allow the Association to incur obligations that the officer does not reasonably believe will be fulfilled.


A. A member of the National Executive or Regional Branch Executive who is interested in a matter relating to the Association must disclose details of the nature and extent of the interest (including any monetary value of the interest if it can be quantified) in an interests register kept by the National Administrator.

B. Disclosure must be made as soon as practicable after the member becomes aware that they are interested in the matter.

C. A member of the National Executive is interested in a matter if they:

i. may obtain a financial benefit from the matter; or

ii. are the spouse, civil union partner, de facto partner, child, parent, grandparent, grandchild, or first cousin of a person who may obtain a financial benefit from the matter; or

iii. may have a financial interest in a person to whom the matter relates; or

iv. are a partner, director, or trustee of a person who may have a financial interest in a person to whom the matter relates.

D. However, a member is not interested in a matter:

i. merely because the member receives an indemnity, insurance cover, remuneration, or other benefits authorised under the Act; or

ii. if the member’s interest is the same or substantially the same as the benefit or interest of all or most other members due to the membership of those members; or

iii. the member’s interest is so remote or insignificant that it cannot reasonably be regarded as likely to influence the National Executive or Regional Branch Executive in carrying out the member’s responsibilities under the Act or the rules; or

iv. if the member is a member of the Committee of a union and the member’s interest is merely as an employee that will benefit from the union acting in the ordinary course of promoting its members’ collective employment interests.

E. A member who is interested in a matter:

i. must not vote or take part in the decision relating to the matter; and

ii. must not sign any document relating to the entry into a transaction or the initiation of the matter; but

iii. may take part in any discussion relating to the matter and be present at the time of the decision the Executive decides otherwise.

F. However a member who is prevented from voting on a matter may still be counted for the purpose of determining whether there is a quorum at any meeting at which the matter is considered.

G. Where 50 per cent or more of Executive Members are prevented from voting on a matter because they are interested in that matter, a Special General Meeting must be called to consider and determine the matter, unless all non-interested members agree otherwise, and where 50 per cent or more of the members are prevented from voting on a matter because they are interested in that matter, the Executive shall consider and determine the matter.


A. The term of President and Vice President shall be a maximum of three years. President and Vice President may stand to serve for one consecutive term for a maximum service of six consecutive years. An individual may, if nominated at the AGM, stand again after they have sat out a minimum of one term.

B. All positions on the National Executive and Regional Branch committees require annual nomination.


A. Should any member of the Executive with the exception of the Regional Officers be absent without permission from three consecutive executive meetings the Executive may treat the member as having resigned the position (and may declare accordingly) and may proceed to fill the vacancy.


A. The Regional Executive in any one region (as defined in 4.1) shall consist of:



iii. REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVE (who shall liaise with the National Executive Regional Representative Officer)

iv. Any other regional officers deemed necessary provided that there be a maximum of 9 officers.

B. Regional Representatives are entitled to represent their region at any Regional Representatives’ meeting convened by the Regional Representative Co-ordinator and at meetings of the National Executive by written submission to the Regional Representative Coordinator.


8.1 AGM

The Association shall hold an AGM between 1 March and 30 May in each financial year. All members shall receive written notification of the A.G.M. at least 21 days prior to the date specified within such notice.


A. A quorum of 10 percent of the total financial membership shall be present at all general meetings, including A.G.M. In the event of an A.G.M. not having a quorum another meeting will be called with at least 14 days’ notice.

B. A quorum of more than half of the members of the National Executive shall be present at meetings of the Executive. In the event of a lack of a quorum matters may be discussed but no actual decision taken.


A. Any requisition signed by any 13 members of the Association and delivered to the National Administrator to convene a special meeting (‘Special General Meeting’) shall state the nature of the business to be brought before the meeting. Immediately upon receipt of such requisition the National Administrator shall call a special meeting of the Association to be held within 21 days of the date on which the requisition was received.


A. Each region shall hold a minimum of 2 meetings including a regional AGM in any financial year and any other meetings deemed necessary. The meetings shall be organised by the elected Regional Executive with minutes and reports duly uploaded to the corresponding regional folder in the national Google Drive.

B. The regional capitation shall be paid annually by the National Treasurer on receipt of the regional AGM minutes and financial reports.

C. Nominations for members of the Regional Executive must be proposed and seconded by financial members of the Association. The nominee must be a financial member of the association.

D. Should the number of nominations not exceed the vacancies such nominees shall be declared elected at the Annual General Meeting of the region. If the nominations exceed the vacancies a ballot shall be taken.


9.1 Voting at meetings shall be by show of hands or by secret ballot, according to the discretion of the meeting.

9.2 The President of any meeting of the Association shall have a deliberative as well as a casting vote.



A. The Executive shall be responsible for the delivery of an annual statement containing such matters as Section 23 of the Incorporated Societies Act 1908 requires or as requested by the Registrar of the Incorporated Societies.

B. The Treasurer shall keep full and proper accounts at the direction of the Executive and shall prepare financial reports as requested by the Executive

C. The accounts of the Association shall have an external independent review by a registered auditor at least once per year and be presented at the annual general meeting.

D. The National Treasurer will automatically be a member of the organising committee for National conferences and take responsibility for managing the accounts.


A. A banking account shall be operated in the name of the Association. Three signatories are to be provided for the account, any two of whom must authorise any transaction.

B. Each elected Regional Committee shall be required to use only the Association’s assigned bank account provided by the National Treasurer who will be one of three signatories to that account, any two of whom must authorise any transaction.

C. The regional treasurer will ensure that banking practices as outlined above are followed by the Regional Executive.

D. There is to be one separate national account that will have debit card access for booking flights and paying memberships. This account will have its own signing authority where any one person may sign alone. Signatories on the account will be President, Vice President, National Treasurer. Funds for the account will be transferred from the National account and any two to sign account as needed.


A. The income and property of the Association from whatever source derived shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects of the Association and no portion of the funds (whether a winding up or otherwise) shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividends or bonus or otherwise to any member of the Association except that payments by way of salary to any person employed by the Association shall be permitted.

11 Powers

The Association will have the power to do all of the following things:

A. To purchase, erect, build, take on, lease or otherwise obtain the use or occupation of, and to manage, extend, improve, develop, alter, maintain and repair and to sell, let, lease, donate or otherwise dispose of, real and personal property of every description.

B. To employ staff to assist in the work of the Association as such wages and in such terms as may be deemed expedient and to obtain and pay for professional advice and services.

C. To adopt such means as the Association may from time to time determine for the purpose of raising money and for obtaining property for the furtherance of the objects of the Association and to accept contributions, collections, donations, legacies, devices, gifts, grants and subsidies.

D. To borrow or raise money for the furtherance of the objects aforesaid and to give and execute mortgages of any real or personal property of the Association and to lease or bail any such property.

E. To secure in such a manner as the Association shall think fit the repayment of any money borrowed or raised by the Association and in particular by the issue of debentures or debenture stock or otherwise charged upon all or any of the property of the Association both present and future and to give and execute in the prescribed manner mortgages, debentures and other instruments as security for such repayments or to pay off, redeem or purchase any such securities.

F. To do all such other acts and things as are incidental to or will further be conducive to the attainment of the general objects of the Association.

G. Any purchase or sale of freehold or leasehold property by the Association and any borrowing of money and security therefore must be approved by resolution passed at a general meeting and the documents necessary to carry out the same shall be executed under the common seal of the Association.

H. In addition to the powers vested herein, the Association may enter into arrangements with any Government or Authority, supreme, municipal, local or otherwise that may seem conducive to the Association objects, or to any of them, and to obtain from any such Government or Authority any rights, privileges and concessions which the Association may think it desirable to carry out, exercise and comply with any such agreement, rights, privileges and concessions.


The registered office of the Association shall be the address of the President or such other place as the Association may determine. Notice of every change of location of the office shall be notified to the Registrar.

14. Association Contact Officer

The Association’s Contact Officer, as required by law, will be the Vice President of the Association.

14. SEAL

The Seal shall be in the custody of the National Administrator and shall be affixed by them as the Executive directs. At least two members of the Executive must witness the seal by their signatures.


The National Administrator shall be responsible for having someone (either a member of the executive or an administrative assistant) keep a Register of Members. Such Register shall contain the names, addresses of the members, and the dates when they became members.



A. Any grievance by a member, and any complaint by anyone, is to be lodged by the complainant with the President in writing and must provide such details as are necessary to identify the details of the grievance or complaint. All members are obliged to cooperate to resolve disputes efficiently, fairly, and with minimum disruption to the Association’s activities.

B. The complainant raising a grievance or complaint, and the National Executive, must consider and discuss whether a grievance or complaint may best be resolved through informal discussions, mediation or arbitration. Where mediation or arbitration is agreed on, the parties will sign a suitable mediation or arbitration agreement.


Where a complaint is made about the actions or inaction of a National Executive Member (and not in their capacity as a member of the Association) the following steps shall be taken:

A. The Executive Member who is the subject of the complaint must be advised of all details of the complaint.

B. The Executive Member who is the subject of the complaint, must be given adequate time to prepare a response.

C. The complainant and the Executive Member who is the subject of the complaint, must be given an adequate opportunity to be heard, either in writing or at an oral hearing by the National Executive (excluding the Executive Member who is the subject of the complaint) if it considers that an oral hearing is required.

D. Any oral hearing shall be held by the National Executive (excluding the Executive Member who is the subject of the complaint), and/or any oral or written statement or submissions shall be considered by the National Executive (excluding the Executive Member who is the subject of the complaint).

E. If the complaint is upheld the Executive Member may be removed from the National Executive by a resolution of the National Executive or of a General Meeting, in either case passed by a simple majority of those present and voting.


In case any questions arise relating to any matter not specifically provided for by these rules, or about the interpretation of such rules, or any clause or paragraph hereof, the question shall be determined by the vote of a majority of the Executive whose decision shall be conclusive and binding on all members, unless revoked at a General Meeting to be called in accordance with the rules. The decision of a majority of those entitled to vote at such a General Meeting shall be final.


17.1 The Association may be wound up if, at a general meeting, its financial members pass a resolution for that purpose, and if that resolution is confirmed at a subsequent general meeting held not earlier than thirty days after that date of the resolution and if its members are notified in writing.

17.2 In the event of winding up, the property and assets of the Association shall, subject to payment of its debt and liabilities and the costs of winding-up be paid to the Whirimanga National Arts Alliance.


Memorandum of Understanding DRAMA AUSTRALIA & DRAMA NEW ZEALAND

This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is between Drama Australia and Drama New Zealand, who are the peak national drama education associations in their respective countries and are members of IDEA (the International Drama Education Association).

The purpose of this MOU is to:

  • chronicle and acknowledge the current practices that exist between the two associations;

  • encourage and support each other’s core business, aims and objectives as independent and autonomous National drama education associations;

  • strengthen levels of collaboration between the two associations;

  • foster and encourage the distinctive contribution that each association makes to the IDEA Oceania Region;

  • collaboratively advocate for, and give voice to, drama educators and their practices internationally;

  • strengthen the ties and connections that currently exist between the two association, and

  • explore ways and means of extending these ties and connections in the future.

We agree to:

  • provide complimentary registrations for two people as nominated by the management boards of each association to attend each others National Conferences;

  • forward a complimentary copy (hard-copies and/or links to electronic copies) of each association’s publications;

  • make local member rates for all our conferences, Professional Development/Learning activities and publications available to the full membership of both associations;

  • hold two teleconferences each year between the Presidents and one other nominated member of each associations board/committee of management, and

  • keep each other informed of important developments in drama education arising from each association’s local/national contexts.

We endeavor to:

  • develop and collaborate on shared drama education projects specifically relevant to our region;

  • develop and collaborate on a joint publication, and

  • hold a regional drama/theatre education conference every next five years



This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is between Drama New Zealand (DNZ) and Health and Wellbeing for Arts Education (HAWFAE) Drama New Zealand is the national drama in education association, and Health and Wellbeing for Arts Education is a collective that advocates for wellbeing in the arts education sector by providing quality resources, policies and support.

The purpose of this MOU is to:

● chronicle and acknowledge the current practices that exist between the two Associations;

● encourage and support each other’s core business, aims and objectives as independent and autonomous advocates for drama education;

● strengthen levels of collaboration between the two parties:

● collaboratively advocate for, and give voice to, drama educators and their practices in Health and Wellbeing;

● strengthen the ties and connections that currently exist between the two Associations, and

● explore ways and means of extending these ties and connections in thefuture.

We agree:

● that Drama New Zealand will be acknowledged in further editions of UHO for their initial support

● that existing collateral and resources created under the funding from Drama NZ remains the property of Drama New Zealand.

● to promote each other’s projects as appropriate

We endeavour to:

● develop and collaborate on shared drama education projects specifically relevant to our groups (where appropriate)

● to meet at least twice a year to discuss projects, and keep each other informed of important developments in drama education arising from each other’s local/national contexts.



● The representatives of Visual Arts (ANZAAE), Drama (Drama New Zealand), Dance (DSANZ), and Music (MENZA) in arts education Aotearoa New Zealand agree to establish a national association to advocate for learning in, through and about the arts.

● We are committed to establishing a governance partnership with representatives of Ngā Toi.

● The establishment executive initially comprises of representatives of an equal number of people from each subject association. Where possible, there will be representation across sectors and include tangata whenua representatives from each association.

● The establishment of co-chairs, one of which is tangata whenua, was elected for an initial period of one year and are executive members of one of the named associations.

● The establishment executive will co-opt people as required

● The establishment executive will set mutually agreed upon contributions from individual subject associations.

● The establishment executive, including Ngā Toi representatives, will develop a constitution.

This Constitution was adopted 7 May, 2023 by a vote of the Membership at the annual AGM by.

Annette Thomson – President Date: 7 May, 2023

Nicholas Meissel – Vice President Date: 7 May, 2023

Cory Hare – Treasurer Date: 7 May, 2023